Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Trey Thompkins: No Dawg, No More...

Trey Thompkins will enter the NBA Draft this year as expected. No great revelation here. He said no to the league as a sophomore last year, so he really can't continue to leave millions on the table any longer. It was a sound decision on his part. Even though he will have to toughen up to play in the league, he will turn into a solid pro player. His propensity to hang out around the bonus arc will work out well for him at the next level. He has enough touch with his jump shot to offset his softness in regards to working in the paint. I also believe his leaving will be a good thing for Georgia. After all, he didn't exactly put the Dawgs on his back and carry them this past season. I certainly would not label his junior campaign as "stellar". It is time for Thompkins and the Georgia program to both move on. I wish Trey well, but I wish for the Dawgs of Mark Fox much more success.

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