Thursday, November 19, 2009

Uga VII: Headed to Bulldawg Heaven

Hey "Seven", you didn't stay around long enough for us to really get to know you. More heart problems, huh? Yea, they run in my family too. We knew you were just a pup compared to your dad, "Six". He liked to GATA, where you seemed to enjoy a good Saturday nap "Between the Hedges". I don't blame you though, that air conditioned Dawg House sure looks pretty inviting. We figured that spunk of your dad's would come out in you once you got a little older. But that's o.k, we liked you just the way you were. You were one of the Uga's, so you were special Little Guy. We'll miss you Saturday, so all the Dawgs at Sanford will take care of Kentucky just for you. Godspeed, "Seven", and tell your dad hello for us.

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