Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Jim Joyce: One of The Best Who Missed One of the Biggest

One thing that still puzzles me about the infamous incorrect call that Jim Joyce made to deny Armando Galarraga a perfect game is that major league umpires always give that close play at first to the team in the field. It seems that runners very seldom even are privileged to the unofficial rule of the "tie goes to the runner". Yet Joyce made the call in favor of the runner and he was even out to begin with. I realize Jim Joyce is a stand-up guy and he had the humility to apologize, as well the courage to admit he blew the call. Nevertheless, I still wonder what he saw on that play that he hadn't seen on probably hundreds of other plays just like that where I'm sure he called the runner out. One up for sportsmanship, none up for the human element in our national pastime.

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